My Partner Snores And I Can’t Sleep: HELP ME!!

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My partner snores and I can’t sleep

If your partner snores, it can be difficult for your relationship. Snoring can leave an impact on your partner and family as well. If you or your partner is a snorer then there are some ways you can help him/her out.

In this article, we have tried to cover some remedies that you can follow if you want relief from your partner’s snore. But you must know the cause of your partner’s snore, this will give you or your partner an easy relief.

How to deal with my snoring partner:

A partial problem in the throat and nose creates snoring which can cause problems, especially in your relationship. It may be a serious marital problem. It has been reported that about 45 % of the population of adult age have the habit and snore occasionally. But if your partner snores regularly, you better help him or her to find a way. Though it may seem to be a minor problem to some but a record of regular snoring may indicate health risks. It can increase the expectancy of heart attack, stroke, decreased libido, and many other problems.

It has been seen that some prefer to sleep in different rooms at night due to the problem of snoring. But you should remember that it is a medical condition and sleeping in separate rooms will not be a permanent solution, right?

You should rather go for a long-lasting solution. You’ll need to look into this matter deeply. You should identify the main reason behind snoring and go for an effective remedy. If it is occasional snoring then you can use one of our home remedies listed to help, however, in case of a serious condition do not let your partner go untreated.

Finding out the causes and taking necessary initiatives:

Well, this is the first step you should go for. Before going for any sort of remedy you should first find out the reason of why your partner is snoring. Because if your partner is snoring due to reasons such as alcohol consumption, over-tiredness, etc then changing sleeping position will help only minimally.

The following reasons may be the problems behind your partner’s snoring :

1. Does your partner have a disturbed sleep schedule?

Your sleep schedule tells a lot about you. A disturbance in your sleep schedule may result in a continuous problem. If you do not have a fixed schedule or proper time of sleeping then it might result in snoring. In order to lead a healthy life, you need routine sleep. A sound and peaceful sleep may help you to prevent snoring.

The solution to this problem:

Make your partner habituated to a good sleep routine. Well, it applies to you also.  Moreover, if you or your partner have other sleep disorders it will be a helping aid.

2. Is your partner suffering from Dehydration?

Having a glass of water behind your bed at all times is extremely important and helps you stay hydrated. Each and every person should apply this. Snoring can be caused due to dehydration also. When we sleep, our body tends to get dehydrated as its getting no hydration through the night. Hence, developing good habits for your water intake is extremely important to ensure that you do not get dehydrated which would further lead to snoring.

The solution to this problem:

You should keep an eye on how much hydration your partner is getting. You must keep a glass of water for both and drink it if sleep is disturbed at any stage. On the other hand, you should also ensure that your partner is has a good water intake during the daytime as well.

3. Is your Sleeping position causing you to snore?

The majority of sleep disorders and sleeping problems including snoring has been found to be related to your sleeping position. There are some sleeping positions that make makes you much more vulnerable to snoring. Such as sleeping on your back makes you snore more.

In such a position your upper airway is obstructed causing you to snore. If your partner is a snorer due to their sleeping position then he or she might be sleeping on their back.  In such a position there is has a high chance of keeping the mouth open that also causes snoring.

The solution to this problem:

Check your partner’s sleeping position. Though it is not possible to change your partner’s sleeping position immediately, you should slowly start making them aware of it.

Sleeping on the side or in an elevated position is a much better option if your partner snores. It would be much more beneficial if you keep your head tilted. This will clear the passage of your upper airways. You can also get some anti-snoring products to help you such as this wedge pillow or the Smart Nora pillow which elevates your head.

4. Nasal and throat problems or a genetically induced problem

Well, this is an anatomy-related problem and is a medical issue that needs to be looked at. Some people have such problems since birth and others acquire them as they get older. There could be muscle-related problems as well like polypus causing the nostril to be narrow which obstructs the air flowing through. Or some people may genetically have a narrow throat or nasal.

5. Alcohol, smoking, and drugs consumption

Consumption of alcohol, smoking, and drug consumption have a serious effect on health.  Drugs, smoking, and especially alcohol before sleep causes your extra relaxation of the tissues that lead to snoring. It is seen that most addicts or heavy users suffer from snoring.

The solution to this problem:

If your partner has any such habit then you must take the necessary steps to get them to reduce or completely stop the habit.  Moreover, such habits of your partner may lead to fatal diseases in the future. There are lots of ways, even meditative ways that allow you to give up addictive behavior. You can help your partner to alternate a bad habit with a good one.

6. Bodyweight

Your body weight has relation to every other disease or problem that you might have. A heavy-weighted person’s tissues are obviously a bit heavier than a lightweight person. And it is clear that it may create an obstruction in the airways.

The solution to this problem:

If your partner is obese or doesn’t have a healthy weight you should simply go for weight loss. The internet has innumerable ways to tell you how you can help your partner to lose weight.

7. Over-tiredness:

Snoring may be caused due to excessive tiredness. There could be days when there is an extra pressure of work that could ultimately lead you to snore. But this would be an occasional one.

The solution to this problem:

It is simply that taking too much pressure will make you or your partner tired.  A regular extra pressure of work will cause snore to happen regularly. You must keep an eye that your partner doesn’t take much pressure on a regular basis.

8. Does your partner have any underlying medical conditions?

If your partner has an underlying medical condition, it is best to consult a medical practitioner. Please gather proper information about your partner’s past and present medical conditions. Sometimes there could be a major disease lying underneath a minor one. Snoring could often have a strong relationship with other diseases which might be unseen.

The solution to this problem:

You need to keep yourself updated with your partner’s medical condition. Do a regular checkup and visit the doctor. A doctor is always there to give you the necessary advice.

Best solution that I know will fix the problem:

Mouthpiece 10/10:

This will work. Guaranteed or else you have 30 day risk free period where you can return the mouthpiece. 

Our final thoughts:

I have seen hundreds of people complaining about “my partner snores and I can’t sleep.’’ I hope this article will be of great help to those who are looking for effective ways for their partners to stop snoring. Snoring is a serious issue for me and I think you should identify the main reason and go for an effective remedy immediately either naturally or with the mouthpiece.

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