Will a humidifier help me stop snoring?

Will a humidifier help me stop snoring?

Snoring is never fun for the person who’s doing it, and it can be difficult to sleep through when you’re not the one who’s snoring. Unfortunately, if you want to stop snoring it’s not always as simple as you think—mainly because there are so many different reasons as to why you might snore. Luckily, I’ve tried out many snoring remedies in my quest to improve my sleep—and one of those things is using a humidifier. So, strap in and let’s take a look at how a humidifier for snoring may help you to stop.

 Why Snoring Occurs

 Snoring occurs when the soft tissue in your throat collapses while you sleep, which blocks your airway and causes vibration as air passes through your throat muscles to make a noise that we call snoring. In some cases, the snoring sound may be soft, but in other cases, it can be loud and troublesome. 

There are many ways to stop snoring. Some of these snoring remedies include lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, as well as using natural remedies, like olive oil or appliances, and other equipment. While losing weight will certainly help your snoring if you are overweight, it won’t necessarily address any physical defects (such as a deviated septum) or allergic reactions that can be a factor in snoring.

 How Can a Humidifier Help to Stop Snoring

 A humidifier may not work for everyone that snores, but if you suffer from a dry throat and nasal passages, a humidifier could be helpful because it adds humidity to the air. So, when you breathe in, the air is moist and prevents your throat and nasal passages from drying out and becoming irritated, which can lead to snoring. 

Plus, using a humidifier can also help relieve other symptoms that can contribute to snoring, such as congestion. Moreover, it can keep allergens in the air, such as dust or pollen, dampened down so you don’t breathe them in and irritate your throat and nostrils. 

Types of Humidifier

When it comes to humidifiers, there are two main types: cool mist and warm mist. Cool mist humidifiers release a cool, fine vapour into the air, while warm mist humidifiers emit a warm, steamy vapor. 

Both types of humidifiers can help with snoring by keeping the air moist and preventing the throat from drying out. However, some people find that warm mist humidifiers are more effective because they provide additional warmth, which can help relax the muscles in the throat.

Using a Humidifier Correctly 

  • To snore less, you will want to ensure the humidity in the room is less than 50%. Humidity levels in a room should fall between 30 and 50%; if the humidity is higher than that, bacteria and mould can thrive—and moulds release spores that can make people more susceptible to asthma and allergies.
  • You should only use your humidifier when you need it, not all of the time.
  • Distilled water is recommended as humidifiers can lead to the release of mineral particles into the air from tap water. This is especially true of cool mist machines.
  • Make sure your device is properly cleaned and always ensure that the water tank is completely dry before refilling it and using it again. To prevent bacterial growth in your humidifier’s tank, be sure to refill it every night with fresh water.
  • It is advisable to clean your humidifier every few days or week with a water and vinegar or hydrogen peroxide mixture, or as recommended by the manufacturer. You may see a build-up of what is known as scale in the humidifier. Scale can come off the inside of the humidifier and be carried into the air by your hot steam, which could lead to health problems.
  • Filters should be replaced regularly as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Open interior doors to prevent an over-humidified room—keep the room’s door open to allow air to flow in and out.

Tips for Buying a Great New Humidifier

When you’re looking for a new humidifier, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind:

1:     Think about the noise level. You don’t want something that’s going to be too loud and disturb your sleep.

2:     Consider the size. You’ll want something small enough to fit on your nightstand but large enough to humidify the room.

3:     Replacement Parts. You’ll want to find a humidifier that uses filters or wicks that can be easily replaced.

4:     Atmospheric Conditions. You might prefer to buy a humidifier with cool or warm vapour, depending on what you need it for. When colds and allergies happen, buy one for the season you are most likely to use it. There are some other factors to consider as well, including the general climate. Misting warm mist in cool climates and cool mist in warm climates should work well.

5:     Safety First. Anything that remains wet for long periods will have bacteria, mould, and fungi accumulating. With humidifiers, some types are easier to clean than others. 

 Individuals with children or pets should bear in mind the possible negative effects of heated water if the humidifier is accidentally knocked over.

 Be mindful of build quality to ensure it doesn’t leak. Look up reviews and see how long the power cord is, to make sure it can reach where you need it to—and that you won’t trip over it. 

My 3 Favourite Ways to Stop Snoring

 These are my 3 Best Ways to stop snoring irrespective on what kind of snorer you are and what your preferences are. Covers everyone from Mild to a Heavy snorer. These have come about from personal use as well as getting feedback from hundreds of followers on our blog here who share their stories with me. Would love to hear from you about your journey and results.


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